Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Biketobeerfest Is Here!

It's one of those only-in-Portland but soon-to-be-all-over-the-country phenomenons. Bike enthusiast and Hopworks owner/brewer Christian Ettinger (above, piloting the monster) worked with Metrofiets of Portland and Steinbart draft technician Mike Moscarelli to build the first-ever Hopworks BarBike.

It's going to make its debut at this Saturday's all-bike, no-cars event at Hopworks Biketobeerfest at the brewery, featuring two new organic fresh hop beers as well as the regular Hopworks lineup, plus bands playing all day and lots of activities for kids and parents. Haul out the Schwinn and bike on down!

Details: Hopworks Biketobeerfest.
Sat., Sept 19, noon-10 pm; free admission (bikes only, no cars allowed). Hopworks Urban Brewery, 2944 SE Powell Blvd.

Thanks to John Foyston of The Beer Here for the photo!


  1. We're VERY excited to have the URL for our bike site on the bottle (!

  2. Those guys are crazy in such a great way, aren't they, Jacquelyn?

    And the bottle that Rhiannon mentions is "Bike Beer Northwest IPA," the latest in Hopworks' lineup of bottled beauties that's debuting at the festival.

    And definitely check out for a comprehensive guide to the best cycling in Oregon!

  3. Wow...
    The bike lane route on the way alchoholism.
    Seriously, is there anything else to do do in this town?
    Binge and purge.

  4. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Bikes. Beer. What else do you need? Well, besides large hunks of grilled meat, I suppose.
