Thursday, August 20, 2015

Curse of Summer's Bounty: Fruit Flies!

Personals: ♀ FF, Se/E/Dp, seeks ♂ FF, +/+/+ for short term relationship. Enjoys romance, fermentation and long walks on the peach.*

It's the annual curse of having all that gorgeous fruit and those fresh-from-the-garden (or farmers' market) vegetables, not to mention that all-too-tempting bucket of compost: fruit flies. It doesn't matter that a fruit fly has just as many genes as we do and that we share nearly 60% of the same genes, not to mention a susceptability to diseases like cancer.

I don't want them wandering around my kitchen.

The cure for this seasonal fruit fly infestation is a simple one. Rather than flinging my hands around trying to swat them out of the air, I simply pour a little cider vinegar, about a quarter-inch or so, into a bowl, then tightly cover the bowl with plastic wrap and punch a few holes in it with something sharp, like a pen.

Just today, within an hour, I had more than two dozen of the %&#@!s drowning in that cider, and I couldn't be more pleased. Take that, little cousins!

* Stolen from The Wonderful Fruit Fly.

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