Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Getting Noticed

It was an odd day. First I get an e-mail from the Oregonian asking me if I'd be interested in participating in their online News Network program. Then a shopping website for young fashionistas decides to feature GoodStuffNW in their monthly Best of the Web roundup. And, last but not least, the publisher of a site for alt-DIY types, Punk Domestics, wants to repost my write-up about making nocino. As Gomer Pyle would have said, "Goooooooooolly!"


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Perhaps the recent New Moon sped up the Earth's rotation so that we can all catch up with you!
    Bravo on the much deserved recognition Kathleen!!!
    - Tim Parsons

  2. and well deserved. Congrats to you and you alt ways!
