Monday, September 27, 2010

Infinite Sauce

Picked up 25 lbs. or so of soon-to-be-saucy goodness at Ayers Creek Farm on Sunday, and got Anthony and Carol's instructions on saving the tomato seeds for planting next year.

Saving Tomato Seeds

Pick a tomato that is especially handsome and delicious, a paragon of tomato perfection. Scoop out the seeds, leaving them in their mucilaginous goop, and plop them in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Leave it out on the counter for a week or 10 days to ferment (it will be completely disgusting). Scoop them out onto several layers of paper towels, roll them up and allow them to dry thoroughly. Making sure they're nice and dry, scrape off the seeds into a zip-lock bag. If you have a packet or capsule of desiccant left from a vitamin bottle, toss that in as well to absorb any residual moisture. Store in cool, dry place.


  1. Those tomatoes look beautiful! Any special plans for them? Good info on how to preserve the seeds, always wanted to know how to do that properly.

  2. Batch #2 (out of three) is roasting on the grill even as I type. Wonderful!

  3. Those would be very yummy on some grilled bread with mascarpone and a little basil. I always look forward to tomato season!

  4. It makes fantastic pizza sauce, too. Then there's smoky minestrone soup and so much more!
