Tuesday, August 24, 2010

In Vino Veritas

As many of you know, my brother, Bruce Bauer, owns Vino, a wine shop in Sellwood. He opened the shop in the late 90s when the neighborhood was still a little backwater of antique shops and small industrial businesses. In the decade since then, he has watched it grow into another of Portland's neighborhood gems, with thriving boutiques, restaurants, small businesses and places for neighbors to meet and exchange news.

I like to think Vino has been a big reason that more people and businesses have been drawn to the area, with its loyal clientele and hugely successful weekly tastings. But today Bruce announced that Vino must leave the neighborhood that has been its home and seek another location.

"For me personally to leave the Sellwood neighborhood after more than a decade is quite devastating, and has been the cause of much lost sleep," he said in an e-mail to customers, explaining that issues with his landlord had forced him to make the move. "I am very saddened to think that I won't be seeing many of you as often as I have become accustomed to. I treasure what Vino has become over the years here…much more than the simple retail store I thought it would be."

But customers fear not, and closer-in eastsiders rejoice, because he's moving Vino to a new location on the corner of SE 28th and Ash, just a block north of Ken's Artisan Pizza. He'll be closing the Sellwood location on Sept. 25 (the last Friday tasting will be on Sept. 17), and is hoping to reopen in the new location in late November.

Top photo of Vino in Sellwood by NotHip.


  1. This is a great shop - and I wish bruce lots of joy and success at the new location!! and much 'truth' how abotu in wine there is joy : ) cheers! clare

  2. Thanks, Clare, and I think it'll be as much of a success (and a successful addition to the new neighborhood) as it was in Sellwood. And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!

  3. From Sellwood to Laurelhurst doesn't seem like a terrible move to me, but I agree that Sellwood has an undeniable charm. Best of luck at the new joint, Bruce!

  4. It's always hard to leave a community that's been so supportive…but I'm sure some folks will want to make the journey with him!
