Saturday, May 15, 2010

From Buns to Hot Dogs

This is what a litter of eleven Corgi puppies looks like. (Here's the "before" shot.) A pre-birth x-ray showed nine, possibly ten, but Geisha was hiding one for a birthday surprise. There are five black and white pups, five merle (gray and white) pups and one "double merle," meaning mostly white with some light grey spots. And while they're not mine, I'm a proud auntie, meaning I get all the fun of playing with them without the "joys" of raising them myself.

The double merle comes with a high risk for other birth defects like deafness and blindness, so only time will tell with this girl. For a sense of what a deaf double merle can do, you need look no further than Casper, who is a titled champion obedience dog as well as a registered Pet Partner therapy dog with the Delta Society. (More Casper photos here.)

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