Thursday, April 29, 2010

Buns in the Oven

Ever wonder what a Corgi (you know, the dogs with a normal sized body and little short legs) looks like when they're pregnant? Really, really pregnant? With eight puppies? Well, here's the answer.

By the way, if this girl looks familiar, her name is Geisha and you last saw her when she was just a wee thing. She's got another six days to go before she's due, so I'll keep you posted on developments as I get them!

Puppy update: Geisha delivered 11…count 'em…eleven healthy puppies on Thursday,  May 6, starting at about 12:30 pm and ending at 6:30. Whew! All are doing well, and check back for further updates as pictures come in!


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Poor little puppy. If I had that many buns in the oven, I wouldn't move either. Can't wait to see the pup family :)

  2. She's actually handling it well…and being treated like a princess. She's a lucky girl.

  3. HA! I seem to remember feeling something like that, and I only had one bun...

    Looking forward to her relief and seeing the pups!

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    OMG, that privacy duck is hilarious!

  5. My friend, who's Geisha's "mom," thought of it to preserve her…um…dignity.
