Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Featured Player

As longtime readers know, I started this blog on a whim. I'd been online forever (can you say 1989?) and had heard of blogs, but hadn't really paid much attention to them. Then my brother went on a trip to Spain about four years ago and posted his travel notes on a blog he called Eat. Drink. Think.

As with all his writing, it was funny, engaging and very creative. It had his voice, his attitude. I was hooked. And decided to start one of my own, the excuse being that it was a marketing vehicle for my work, with the "temporary" (and, I thought, innocuous) name of GoodStuffNW. You know…something I could change later if I got serious.

Fast forward 3 1/2 years. GSNW is now a bona fide success, with more than 62,000 visitors last year and somewhere around 550 subscribers to the RSS feed. And it's become the springboard to a new career as a writer for me.

Why am I going over all this old news, you ask? Because in this morning's e-mail I got word that GSNW has reached a new milestone. Tomorrow, Jan. 14, 2010, it will be the Food Blog of the Day on Seattle-based Foodista.com, an up-and-coming gathering place for foodies of all persuasions.

Jerry Garcia had it right. A long, strange trip indeed!


  1. Yay!! Congrats on your new milestone! =)) Hope you can get out and kick up your heels, a bit. Jerry would approve!

  2. Thanks, Rebecca!I'm just trying to follow in your much-lauded footsteps!

  3. Congratulations, Kathleen. Way to go!!!

  4. Wow!!! I have a famous neighbor!! Congrats on your success my dearest. We of course love the blog and think you do an amazing job.

  5. Thanks! I'm bowled over!

  6. jeanie3:35 PM

    great news, great recognition. It's such fun to see your writing career grow apace.

  7. Looks like you're in good company. Congratulations for sticking to it and keeping it true.

  8. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Congrats!!! Just saw this, since I've been off line for about 2 weeks now. Job well done


  9. And I've missed you…welcome back!
