Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wacky Weather!

What would seem normal, even expected, in many parts of the country this time of year has many Portlanders reeling.

Walker with a frozen tennis ball. Fun!

But they're also enjoying themselves, skiing to the store, sledding down the myriad hills and slopes around town or, like us, making stews or soups or cocoa.

What are you doing to stay cozy in this wintry weather?


  1. If the snow gets tooooo deep, you will have to shovel a path for Rosy and Walker...poor short legged doggies ;-)

  2. Nothing like a night in front of the wood stove wrapped in a couple of Cardigans!

    Ours are loving every minute of it. I've had enough, thank you very much!

  3. Hi Kab,

    I think you folks got the worst of the weather. We were iced in for a night but it's been raining in Eugene and most of the snow is gone. Talk about microclimates! Stay warm - nothing lasts forever.

  4. Rosey and Walker are both loving the snow, though now that it's six inches deep they're having a hard time figuring out where to "go"! Dave's mantra has become "A man's gotta shovel," and he's been fulfilling his Mainer lust for the task with a new shovel just for that purpose.

    (Kim, great photo of Casper's nose! So cute!)
