As I've
mentioned before, I love Mark Bittman's blog,
Bitten, on the New York Times website.

His approach to food is thoughtful, simple and matter-of-fact while putting a premium on flavor. It's one of the few food blogs that I check on almost every day, and I leave the occasional comment. Well, today one of
those comments was chosen as one of the "Comments of the Moment" on his front page. Woo hoo!
I loved your comment about split pea soup. It's my favorite dish, and it's economic and nourishing to boot! For $10, I could make a deep pot of split pea soup, fresh homemade whole wheat bread (with a biga starter) and found a good cheapie wine (Hogue, made in Washington, makes a really good Cabernet/Merlot melange, usually selling for under $7. )
Like the homemade bread...I can smell it baking in the oven. Mmmmm. Thanks, edies!
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