If you love cheese and want to know more about the processes involved in making it, then you must make plans to attend
The Nitty Gritty of Cheesemaking with Mateo Kehler of Vermont's
Jasper Hill Farm. He'll focus on the technical aspects of this artisanal process, and from
the last class he did at
Foster & Dobbs, it'll not only be jam-packed with information but also inspirational for those who love good food made the right way.
Details: The Nitty Gritty of Cheesemaking with Mateo Kehler. Tues., May 20, 7:15 pm; $20, reservations only. Foster & Dobbs Authentic Foods, 2518 NE 15th Ave. Phone 503-284-1157.
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There's a buzz happening around bees lately, and not just due to the recent news about massive die-offs of domestic species. Find out why these creatures are so important to our regional fruit crop and seed production and visit a working farm where they play an important part. It's happening at
Ayers Creek Farm and our own correspondent
Anthony Boutard will discuss managing bees in the working landscape of a commercial farm. Also on hand will be Dan Hiscoe of
Springhill Honeyworks and Matthew Shepherd of the
Xerces Society. Don't miss it!
Details: Foundations of Agriculture: Bees and Pollination. Sat., May 31st., 3-5 pm; $5, members of Slow Food Portland; $10, non-members. At Ayers Creek Farm, Gaston. Directions provided upon registration. Register via
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"Peace" is the name of a print show and doves are the visual them that runs through the work at the
Guestroom Gallery. It kicks off with a reception for artist Peter Moore on May 16th and continues through the end of June. Moore was known most recently as president of Adidas America, but his graphic work goes back to his days as a designer and creative director at some of Portland's most prestigious advertising firms.
Details: "Peace" prints by Peter Moore. May 16-June 28; Wed.-Sat., 12-5 pm. Guestroom Gallery, 4114 N Vancouver Ave. Phone 503-284-8378
Ugh! Why are the cheesemaking classes always on a Tuesday? I work Tuesday nights. Guess I'll just have to thrash through it on my own...
You might check out the DIY cheesemaking group that meets at Foster & Dobbs. I'll find out when their next meeting is and post it on the calendar.
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