Friday, April 27, 2007

Food Porn, Italian Style

My brother and his ladylove are traveling through Italy even as we speak, having spent five days in the Piedmont and now hiking the villages of the Cinque Terre, making me so crazy hungry with his descriptions of the food that I'm having to type with a plastic cover over the keyboard to protect it from the drooling!

First was dinner in the tiny town of Diano D'Alba called Trattoria Nelle Vigne where the 23-euro menu started with five antipasti and went through three more courses from there, each one sounding more incredible than the last. At that point I was ready to call our friends and cancel the dinner plans for tomorrow that we've had on the calendar for two months and get on the next plane to Italy.

Then he starts going on about their next meal in Alba at a place called La Libera and...well, you'll just have to read it for yourself. I've got packing to do!


  1. Hey...all that food....looks eerily familiar...hmmmm. Oh, wait, that's right. I just ate all that food!!
    The only thing better is if you were here to share it......sigh.......

    bb made me pine for the Castagna burger in your last post!

  2. Wish I could be there, too! And I'm still obsessing over that anchovy-hazelnut pesto. You're the best!
