Monday, January 29, 2007

Oaxacan Protest Art

If you're interested in protest or revolutionary art, this show is for you. A large collection of political art from an artists' collective in Oaxaca is coming to Portland on Sunday, Feb. 4. One of the artists described its significance:

"In response to the lack of coverage of the social movement in Oaxaca by the mass media, young artists have taken to the streets. These young people have reclaimed urban art. In their works and on the walls in the cities, they portray the repression and the demands of the popular movement. Therein lies the value of their work as art and as a medium of communication. It is one of the strongest ways information is distributed concerning what has happened in Oaxaca."

There will also be speakers presenting the art and explaining its political meaning, as well as giving an update on the situation in the region.

Details: Arte Insurgente: Stencil Art and Woodcuts from Oaxaca, Mexico; Liberty Hall, 311 N. Ivy. Reception starts at 1 pm, Sun., Feb. 4.

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