Friday, October 13, 2006

Fitness for the Masses

If you, like me, are wanting to get in better shape and build your strength and endurance before it's too late, I would highly recommend working with a personal trainer. Now, I know you're all thinking, "What? That's just for Madonna or rich society dames!" But there are alternatives to shelling out big bucks for someone to make you do a sit-up.

I've been working with Kristin Jackson of Take It Outside Fitness off an on for the past three years. I started with two other women working out with Kristin once a week, then later on started taking classes with her at the Northeast Community Center where she's been teaching Pilates and cardio fitness for a year.

She's now moving out of NECC and has lots of options for the rest of us, from personal fitness training to working on a Pilates machine called the Reformer to outside fitness classes in various parks around Portland. And lots of options in terms of cost, especially if you're willing to be part of a larger class. She's a terrific trainer, a great motivator and has a down-to-earth sense of humor. Above all, she's not into making you look good so she looks good. It's about your needs and goals and how she can help you meet them. I can't recommend her highly enough.

Details: Kristin Jackson, Take It Outside Fitness; Phone 503-701-2179.

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